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General Overview

The Media Team is a larger, broader team than most. Their responsibilities range from creating content of the server, for the server (and for their own channels, if they wish), to content creator outreach. 

We have 3 roles available for application:

  1. Media Creator
  2. Creator Liaison
  3. Head of Creator Outreach

There is a Head of Media. This role is already filled by the wonderful Moses, who you will most likely know already!​


Media Creator

Media Creators look to make content of the server for the main purpose of promoting the server.
This most likely will be for the ASMRcraft social media accounts, but can be for your own social accounts, if you wish. The content might be trailers for upcoming events; tours of the server; showcasing certain aspects of the server; creation of tutorials.

Essentially, this role is what you make of it, and really depends on what type of media creation you enjoy the most and want to get involved with!

We are looking to recruit a good number of Media Creators! 


  • The minimum requirements stated on the main application page (must read)

  • Have at least 1 month (real time) experience on the server

  • Have at least 36 hours playtime on the server ("/playtime" to find your time)

  • Experience with creating media, in whatever way is most appropriate for the type of media creation you want to get involved with in the team. E.g. if you want to make trailers/showcase videos, experience in video editing would be good, but certainly not essential. We are happy for you to take this as an opportunity to get creative!
  • Have a passion for creating media, content, art - whatever tickles your fancy!
  • If you have examples of your creations, let us know!
  • A clean record on ASMRcraft is recommended but not essential


  • Creating content for the server, for the end goal of promoting the server

  • You will have access to /spectate where appropriate

  • Reporting to Head of Media (HoM)

  • Liaise with other teams (usually through the HoM) for media creation tasks. E.g. the event team may request a trailer/poster for an upcoming event

Creator Liaison

Creator Liaisons identify content creators that might want to join ASMRcraft. After discussion with the Head of Creator Liaison (HoCL) they will approach appropriate content creators to invite them and gauge their interest in joining ASMRcraft. 

Additionally, the liaisons are creators' first port of call if they have a question about or issue on the server. E.g. a content creator wants a 1-to-1 quick explanation about how the server works or how they can best go about promoting their content on the server/what options they have.

This role is still a work in progress, and so if you are interested, we will have a bigger discussion about what this role might involve. 

We are looking for Creator Liaisons!


  • The minimum requirements stated on the main application page (must read)

  • Have at least 1 month (real time) experience on the server

  • Have at least 36 hours playtime on the server ("/playtime" to find your time)

  • Experience on social media is preferred but not essential

  • A clean record on ASMRcraft is preferred but not essential


  • To identify content creators who might be interested in joining ASMRcraft

  • To discuss this with the Head of Creator Outreach (HoCO)

  • To eventually liaise with content creators, by approaching them to invite them to the server, where appropriate

  • To help out the content creators with any questions or issues they have

  • To escalate any issues relating to the above to the HoCO / other relevant staff members (mods/admin/owner, if necessary)

  • We/the HoCO may assign individual liaisons to specific content creators who will be their port of call should they need help with something more involved

Head of Creator

The HoCO leads the creator outreach team (the content liaisons).

The HoCO is ultimately responsible for the organisation and running of the outreach team. They will be the driving force behind it, and will act as an official connection to other teams and the higher management of the server (admin/owner)


  • Must be a highly motivated, engaged individual with consistent positive influence on the server

  • The minimum requirements stated on the main application page (must read)

  • Have at least 6 month (real time) experience on the server

  • Have at least 5 days playtime on the server ("/playtime" to find your time)

  • Experience on social media is preferred but not essential

  • A clean record on ASMRcraft is essential.


  • The key driving force of the outreach team

  • Decides main goals and direction of the team (in conjunction with higher management)

  • Identification of content creators 

  • Delegation of tasks to the outreach team

  • Act as an official connection between outreach and the higher management of the server

  • (possibly) allocation of liaisons to content creators

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